4 Tips to Help Work From Home Parents Tame the Post Covid Turmoil this Summer


We learned that working from home offers numerous perks for parents - now it’s summer and that brings a set of challenges. Earning an income while working from home gives us control over our schedules allowing for more time with family. We save money by reducing or eliminating childcare expenses, buying fewer work outfits and eating at home more often. 

Summer is a reminder, though, that working remotely also has its share of challenges. Balancing work with family life is a struggle. Kids, no matter the age, need attention. Young children want to play, have friends over, and go swimming, and older kids bring a whole new dimension to distractions. Meanwhile, clients are calling, emails are piling up and that to-do list keeps getting longer.

Is it possible to make this time at home more enjoyable and meet your professional expectations? It is!
Here are a few ideas you can begin to implement immediately.

 Routines all around
Designing and adhering to routine together can free you and your family from chaos and stress. Be sure to plan both play time and work time each day. Knowing when mom or dad need time to focus on work and when they will be available for fun helps set expectations and provides children with positive anticipation. The structure and discipline of routines fosters security in children - and increases the likelihood of checking off your most important tasks. 

 Goals keep us going
Setting goals clarifies what you need to accomplish. Achieving them builds confidence and motivation. When our energy or excitement begin to diminish goals help us stay focused. Since children can feel a sense of control when they are able to set and achieve goals it’s important to make this, too, a family activity. Use the SMART framework to keep your goals S-specific, M-measurable, A-achievable, R-results-focused and T-timely.

Most of all, keep it fun!

 Be creative with child care
Finding child care options can be difficult and costly in the best of times, summer can be even more arduous. If your schedule requires you to work full time, a nanny or summer day camp like, Camp Chepontuc at the Glens Falls YMCA the may be your best option. With a flexible schedule or part time hours, a little creativity can save on costs and keep your child entertained while you work. Coordinate with a spouse or swap child care with a neighbor , either way, planning is key. Gather the family, grab your calendar and look online for schedules of local recreation centers, libraries and summer school programs. Crandall Public Library has a calendar full of activities for children of all ages. Planing your work time when the children are busy with activities that interest them is a win-win.

Home is where the heart should be
We all know the added activity at home translates to major distraction. Managing the family requires more from you, leaving little time for much else. Chores are piling up, and Netflix sounds like a nice reward for all this energy you’re expending. Escaping to a coffee shop to work may seem like a good option until you realize how uncomfortable, isolating and distracting it really is. Coworking is quickly becoming the best option for mobile working parents. Shared workspaces help parents establish community, find motivation, and focus free from distraction. When more separation between work and home life is what you’re craving, establishing a flexible coworking membership is ideal. You can tackle your to-do list and make your home a place for guilt-free family time. 

It’s not always easy, but it is possible to get your work done and enjoy your family this summer. At WorkSmart, we make that easier for you. You can get right to work without distraction, surrounded by like-minded people who can identify with your daily struggles and achievements. Membership plans offer the flexibility to fit your summer routines. Get in touch with us to come check out the space. We’d love to help you have a fantastic summer.